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Roseville Block 207 Card 1

ROSEVILLE BLOCK 207 CARD 1.tif ROOEV'ILLE SWly 50' of lDts 1-3 & NEly Yonge St, clsd adj Lots 1,2,3,11 & 12 Block 207 Card Permit to I. Teacher, 416 So. Title Bldg. to build res, not closer to center li of Younge St clad than 49', & 10' SB from Willow St. Res 74314 6-3-41 Permit to Heller Inv. Co. to divide prop intwo 2 pare & erect sgle fam res on ea parcel. Res 1070 8-20-45 lDts 1-3 inc. & NEly Res. 74314 sustained dee of ZA. Yollllge St clsd Res 83491 6-25-46 It " lDt 6 & SEly 10' of lDt 5 It It lDt 4, lDt 5 (exc SE 10') 1Dt11 9 & 10 Res 74314 AMENDED to permit the encl of the deck on 1st exist res w/roof, metal sash & clear glass on two sides Isadore Teacher Res 83678 fl level of that are open, 7-16-46 Permit to Jack W. Brem to constr res & gar w/5' RY & 45" from eave to PL, obs 5' SB for bldg & 0' SB for balcony from Evergreen St, 100' S of Zola St. R-1 C-1614 & 1615 1-24-58 6-mos. EXTENSION granted 7-18-58 Permit to Geo. C. & June Burnett to maint exist sgle fam res & gar w/ 100' frntge on Zola St., R-1 S-502 1-1-58 l \ 0