Roseville Block 196
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 196.tif RC6EVILLE Lots 5 a 6 (S. 70') Lots 3 & 4 Lots 9 thru 12 Block 196 Permit to A. J. Harpst, 1819 Puterbaugh St, to constr sgle fam res R-1. Res 69480 6-13-39 Permit to Dr. Robert Epsten to erect 61 free-stand wall on top of 61 retaining wail, total overall ht of 12', 3226 Xenophon St. Res 6622 7-23-52 Permit DENIED to John & Cleo J. Zweck to constr res & att gar, gar to have 0' SY (5 1 req) S side Willow betw Xenophon & Zola Sts, R-1. Res 9156 9-14-55