Roseville Block 190
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 190.tif Lots 1 & 2, exc J SE 30' Lot 3 & SEly 30 1 Lot 2 J Lot 4 ' Lot q_.,....,_:.,. ~ ~ BLOCK 190 Permit to Isabel V. & Durward H. Palmer to maint exist sgle fem res & dev vacant area for garden. S-109 7-28-52- Permit to Jack & Adele C. Mason to retain exist sgle fam res, bldg addn ot gar in connec w/exist res. S-110 7-28-52 Permit to Lennard E. & Barbara Karlson to constr 13' x 21'9" fa.m rm addn to sgle fam res- in 45j lot covge where 40~ is perm, 3320 Whittier St Zone R-1-5. C-7645 4-19-66 Permit DENIED to constr a 14 1 6" x 20' bedrm & bath addn to exist sgle fa.m dw, addn to obs 15' RY (20' req) res in approx 45j covge (40~ perm) at 3323 Xenophon St, betw Plum & Willow Sts, R-1-5 c-9225 -23-69 Lot 9- Permit to Earl Keller, as amended, to constr a sunsbade structure addn to an exist sin fam dwell, resulting in 44.5i cover wnere 4~ is perm at 3323 Xenopnon betw Plum St. & Willow St., Zone R-1-5. C-9975 NH 7-1-70----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot l & NW 20' of Lot 2- Jerry D. Burwell to constr 3-story addn to exist 2 story sing farn dwel; addn obs 8 1 street side yd on Plum St where 10 1 req & 18' rear yd where 20' req, at 3344 Whittier St, Zone R-1-5. C-13900 10-27-76