Roseville Block 180
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 180.tif RdamLLE Lot 7 SELY Lot 8 Wly 25' Lot 8, all of Lot 9 & Ely 40 1 of Lot 10 Permit to Diana w. Jacobs to erect sgle fam res, SWly cor Whittier at Willow. Res. 4048 7-27-49 Permit to H. A. & Charlotte Hamsohn to constr sgle fam res, on Wly side of Whittier betw Willow & Plum Sts. Res. 5426 3-21-51 Lot 6, SE Lot 5 Permit to Gladys Hoffman to maintain one sgle fam res on parcel. Lot 3 S-127 2-10-53 Permit to E. L. & Lois Thompson to const sgle fam res & gar, 44~ {where 40~) perm) on N side Voltaire betw Willow & Plum, C-2484 covering lot R-1, 4-30-59