Roseville Block 175
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 175.tif Lot 5 Lot 5 Permit to V. F. Bennett, owner, & Carl C. & Averil B. Harness, pure, to constr sgle fam res w/total of 43.6~ covge, N side of Udall St, 50' W of Willow St, prov proper SB & all yd reqs are obs. Res. 3633 12-29-48 Permit to Carl C. & Averil B. Harness, Jr. to constr 2nd story bedrm & bath addn to sgle fam dw w/covge of 43.6~ where 40~ is perm; addn to res in no incr of covge, at 3312 Udall St betw Willow & Plum Sts, R-1 C-5539 3-6-63