Roseville Block 169
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 169.tif ROSEVILLE /I..,-~./?}.,,;-~ 1~-,J_,(__,~,~.c,ljJ-./-- ci::.,..t~-~-,-~--_,;-""" BLOCK 169 Lot 12- Revocable permit to install and maintain tamp bride-dr & steps for use of owner's prop at Locust St at Udall St. Classification of Use. 12-27-56 Lot 3- Permit to Josepn & Patricia Gafa to add bar sink to recreation room at 3030 Tennyson St. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1831 2-6-73 Lot 3- Permit to Joseph & Patricia Gafa to constr 6' x 32' balcony addn to single fam dwell; addn to result in 42% cov where 40% is perm at 3030 Tennyson St. betw Locust St & Rosecrans, Zone R-1-5. C-11819 N.H. 2-23-73 Lot 2- Agreement with Anthony and Fatina Teles to construct a two-story addition to an existing single-family dwelling. First floor to include a family room, second floor to include three bedrooms and two full baths. Addition to access from internal stair, no outside access to second floor, located at 3040 Tennyson Street, Rl-5000 zone. Agreement #4161 11-30-88