Roseville Block 167 Card 1
ROSEVILLE BLOCK 167 CARD 1.tif Lots 10 & 11 Lots 7-8 NEly 80' Lot 9 NEly 80 1 Lots 10 & 11 CARD #1 \ '\_,":' Perm to J.C. Allen by E, H. Depew,#~ Sefton:Bldg,, for res w RY of 14'. R-1 Res. 65320 12-22-36 Permit to Louise C. Ewing to erect pergola & vestibule adj to side lot 11., (Udall & Evergreen) Res. 65378 1-12-37 Permit to W. D. Johnstone, owner, & C.R. & Anna E. Cline, purch, to add to & bring to Code a res on site less than 5,000 sq ft, 3221 Udall St. Res. 7418 5-13-53 Permit to a.maxDxi~ Joe C. & Adelaide Allen to constr addn to exist res having 14 1 RY, addn to also to have 14' RY (20' req) at 3233 Udall St, R-1 Res. 9367 1-4-56 Lot I & por Lots 2, II & 12- Permit to W. F. Wahrenberger to const sin fam res AGREE# 516 1=14=48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Lot 3 & por Lots 2, JO & II- Permit to W. F. Wahrenberger to const sin fam res AGREE# 515 I- I 4-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 4 & por Lots 5, 8 & 9- Permit to W. F. Wahrenberger to const sin fam res AGREE# 514 J-14-48----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6 & por Lots 5, 7 & 8- Permit to W. F. Wahrenber~er to cons t sin fam res AGREE# 513 J-8-48