Rosemont Addn. Resub. To Encanto Heights Card 7
ROSEMONT ADDN. RESUB. TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 7.tif ROSEMONT ADDITION TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS /o Card #7 I Lot 21- ZA DENIED items No. 1 and 2 but APPROVED the reconstruction of the back unit to what was previously existing, APPROVED items No. 3, 4, and 5, sought by Benjamin E. & Carol I. Wilson, to expand the nonconforming development on a lot improved with two residences where the current zone permits one (1202 and 1208 Wren Street}: (1) to complete repairs to a fire damaged residence which exceeds 50% of the fair market value of the structure where repairs which exceed 50% requires a variance (1202 Wren Street); (2) to maintain a storage basement converted to living area where such conversion requires a variance {1202 Wren Street); (3) to maintain a two-story addition to a residence where such expansions to a nonconforming use requires a variance (1208 Wren Street); (4) to maintain 30'-0'' of combination retaining and freestanding walls, maximum 8'-9'' high within the front yard where a maximum 6'-0" fence is permitted provided the top 3"-0'' is 50% open, and complies with the design consideration; (5) to access Lot 21 across Lot 20 where access shall be direct, located at 1202 and 1208 Wren Street, SF-20,000 zone, Southeast San Diego Planned District, with conditions. C-20195 2/24/89 Lot 91 Map #1133- AGREEMENT with C. William Baumann to foot storage area under construction at rear of property, SF-20,000 Zone. AGREEMENT #4683 install a half-bath in 750-square- located at 6390 Scimitar Drive, 07/12/90----------------------------------------------------------------------