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Rosemont Addn. Resub. To Encanto Heights Card 1

ROSEMONT ADDN. RESUB. TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS CARD 1.tif f ROOEMONll ADDN. RESUB. TO ENCANTO HEIGHTS 4 Lot 20- Permit oo Charles R. & Ethel Greaves to make a 7 ft. add. to an existing gar at 1610 Klauber St. with no SB on KJ.auber St. and with an 18 in sideyrd for the exist gar. Res#822 1-18-45-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot l2- Permit granted to Ge017ge Douglas, owner E.W. Face, purchaser, to const. add. to res. aaid add. to obs 10 ft. SB from front prop. line, 6383 Scimitar Dr. Res#2352 7-2-47 Por of Lot.,. 4- Permit to Dean H. Cr8Jller to const two houses on said prop; 6305 Scimitar Dr. ll.-19-47 Lot 3- Permit to Willis & Rose B, Ful.lerton to erect sin f8Jll res l.0' SB, Nly, end of Lot 3 on Sc.1mitar Dr. Res#4688 5-17-50 Por Lot 4- Permit to L.L. & Esther H, Stitt to'erect sin fam res, Nly, side of Scimitar Dr. at intersec with Bdwy. l.0-4-50,------------------------------------------------~---------------------------------------- Por. of Lot 4- Permit ot Harold G, and Ada L. Horrie to erect sin f8Jll dwell., on Nly. side of Scimitar Dr. at intersection of Broadway. Res#5342 2-23-51