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Development Services

Rosedale Tract Card 2

ROSEDALE TRACT CARD 2.tif ROSEDALE TRACT Card #2 Por Lots 23-25, 29, All Lot 1 & por of 2, Blk 16, All 4-5, & Por 1,3 & 7, Blk 18, Pers Lots 5-8, Blk 19, Resub of Lots 14, 16, 18- 20,- Permit to Christiana Oil Corp to constr & operate a planned residential dev located on the south side of Clairemont Mesa Blvd. (extended) approx mile east of 115 (Murphy Canyon Rd), Zone R-1-40 Interim & R-2 zones. ~ IO- l- 71- I; J,:v._:~!_s:?~-----------------------------~~-=-~-----===~=~~--------- Por Lots 2 3,4 5,10,11,12- Permit to Standard Pacific Corp to constr and operate a planned residential development, located on tne east side of Murphy Canyon Rd betw Clairemont Mesa Blvd and Tierransanta Blvd. Zone R-2A. PRD#31 8-25-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lota 17,21,22,23,32- Permit to San Diego Ullitied Scnool Diatrict of S.D. County tor permiaaion to develop property tor uae aa elementary acbool, were sin t.. re uae only 1 permitted; cxi tne nortta aicle ot 'lierruuta Blvcl, eut or Murpny Ca!Q'OD Rd. Zone R-1-t.0. I Coa4'l. (tD-1;_ 76.,iget;t,-1?1:.hJ C-10755 10-4-71 tots2&-3-Map-S2b-:-Pemlt-to-Aiio-neveioi'> ers:-a-partner;n1p:-Et-Ai-t;-~1~~1;-2:i?S~- of 8' hi temporary chain link fence with three (3) strands of barbed wire on top thereof obs l' from front prop line on Ruffin Rd and 2' on Castle Glen where max 3' hi fence is perm in req setbacks and obs l' from int side yd prop line wnere max 6 hi fence is perm in req sfde yd & no sharp pointed fencing is penn;3550. Ruffin Rd bet Village Glen Dr & dead-end, Zone R-1-5. Condl. C-11053 If.H. 2-9-72