Rodefer Hills (View Point Division) Card 1
RODEFER HILLS (VIEW POINT DIVISION) CARD 1.tif RODEFER HILLS Card #1.,.,, Lot 28- Permit to Kenneth J. Berglund to const sin fam res with 13' rear yd for por of res, W side of Bandini, approx 250' S of Guy St. Res. 8192 5-12-54 Lot 22- Permit to Merrill & Inez Jacobsen to const sin fam res with 15' SB on NEly cor graduating to 17 1 611 SB on SEly cor, on Bandini St., 80 1 N of Guy St. 6 mo ext Rnal ext 6 months C-196 C-196-A C-196-B 12-15-54 6-14-55 1-4-56 Lots 23 & 24- Permit to Chas. & Louise Sal ik to const sin fam res with 20' rear yd where 25' req & 41 overhang in SB area where 3' perm, NW cor of Bandini & Guy Sts. Res. 9130 8-31-55 Por Lot 18- Permit DENIED to Joseph & Ruths. int to co~st res-with 7' SB (15' req) on Miller St betw Arden Way & Bandini St., Zone~-1. C-595 7-9-66 Lot 17- Permit to Richard T. & Roberta F. Silberman to const redwood fence 8 1 to 12' in ht, along por of side lot 1 ine, 88 1 back of fr p.1. at 4021 Miller St., R-1, condl c-1083 3-1-57 Lot 36- Permit DENIED to Richard C. & Perry P. Hanis to erect free-standing TV antenna with I I SB where 15' req at 3902 Bandini St; but permit GRANTED for 8 1 SB. G-1075 3-25-57