Reynard Hills Card 1
REYNARD HILLS CARD 1.tif:-REYNARD HILLS ~ & '\, "'), '-~ CARD\"! (/ Lot 6- Private ga.rg 60 1 frm frnt P.L. ay l' rr 10' cov, 50% granted to James A. & Clara c. Considine, Rea. 7ll86 4-16-4o Lot 47- Private garage in Zone R-1 with a. ay of 2' granted to Phillip Bartlett, Rea. 66748 ll-2-37 Lota 54-55- To erect 4 res in Zone R-1 granted to Edna Res. 674n 4-19-38 Lot 95- Erect and oprt a. 2nd dwell in Zone R-1 granted to Paul Beerman & Cla.rce Dewitz Res. 67874 7-12-38-Lot 134- Erect and oprt private garage in R-l., 2' SY granted to filicl1ae10b~';Rerry. Res 65003 10-6-36 Lot 131- Res & Ga.r, 5' frm P.L. on Dove St. granted to T. K. Totbaker Res 65776 4-6-37 Lot ill.- ~ect a i:tes, ll' frm P.L. on Eagl.e St. Granted to J. L. Kahanek Res. 664 l 8-- Lot 11-.Priv Garage, 2'9" side LL, & 2' frm P.L. on Dove St grea.nted to R.J. McBride. Res. 67000 12-28-37 Lot 26- Apt abv gar. & Duplex at rr, with 3' SY, 4 rr yd with gar. entrances on St, (Arroya Dr. & Dove St} submtd by J.J. Mihm, and apvd by P.c. (subj to ext desgn} Minutes 10-20-38-P 2. withdrawn l.0-21- 1 'Lot 3- permit to Hel.en McGlincw to oprt a guest home at 3025 Reyna.rd Wy with 9 patients, but no convalescents, al.cholics, mental. or contagious diseases housed on pr_em. Pmt limtd to 3 yrs frm dte of this res. Res. 7534o 10-l.4-4li..) (Expires 10-14-44) Repeated by Res. 75483 ll-4-41 (over}