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Development Services

Reland Tract Lot 8

RELAND TRACT LOT 8.tif REDLAND TRACT LOT 8 Por Lot 8- Permit to Albert Jones to split into 3 parcels NW of 55th & Redland Dr. to erect sin fam res on each. Resif,t,1144, 10-25-45---------------------------------------------------------------------------- N-70' of E-120'-Lot 8- Amends Res#ll44 ABOVE to Agnes Maler to permit const of res with SB 18'6" on Sly 23' of said lot 7 req 30' SB on remainder of lot, W side of 55th St., at Nly end. Resiff,32 70 6-30-48 '----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 8- Permit to Edward F. & Alice W. Gabrielson to construct an 18' x 20' storage addn on top of existing detached garage on same lot with sin fam dwelling; gar obs a 5' rear yard and addn will obs a 5' rear yard where 20' is req for two-story accessory bldg.- E-20' of S-70' of N-140'at4804-55th St., northwest cor Redland Dr., & 55th Stree_J;:,; Zone R-1-5- Cond'l.....-C-12,559 N.H. 4-9-74