Reed & Swayne's Central Park Block 112 Card 1
REED & SWAYNE'S CENTRAL PARK BLOCK 112 CARD 1.tif. REED & SWAYNEs CENTRAL PARK BLOCK 112 CARD #l S7 Lots ~5-28- permit to Jay Cappello by Peter Cummings "B" suspended for store & aptmts (north'_t) 32nd & Island Rea. No. 56282 4-20-31--~-----~--------~----------------------------------------------------------------------~----Lo~ 8-Permit to Henry Martinez to operate rug sha!'!J,pooing business to 3131 Market St. condl Rea. No. 2951 3-10-48 Lots 25 thru 28- Permit to R. L. Armstrons;, owner, & Jul.ia & Amy C. Hunberstad, operators_, to operate a retail new {le used furniture & bric-a-brac store in exist store bldg at 520- 32nd st. Res. No. 1200 ll-23-45----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 28 & W 5' of Lot 'Z7- Robe:.ct L . Armstrong DENIED permission to move frame 1-story bldg 1fD from 2136 Logan to 3172 Island to be used for storage purposes. BM Res 417 2-8-49 Lot's 25, 26, 27, 28, Permit granted to Logan V. & Lovella Price, owner, and Leonard Degerty, operator, to ma:l.nt a clothes pressing estab at 520- 32nd St. on Nly of above J.ots to expire 6-30-57 Rea. No. 8908 5-ll-55 Nly por Lots 25 thru 28, two yrs extension on abv to expire 6-30-59 Case No. 1309 7-5-57---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por Lots 25 thru 27, all. Lot 28- Permit to Logan V. & Lovella Price, owner, & J.eonard DouruiertiLnlessee, to operate dry cleaning shop with exist clothes pressing estab pmtd by Rea 6~, on cond that all reqrmts of State & City Fire Marshal be complied with i 520 32nd St. Case No. 2275 1-30-59