Reed & Hubbel's Addn Block 8 Card 1
REED & HUBBEL'S ADDN BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif REED & HUBBELL'S ADDITION BLOCK 8 Card #l. Lots 31. to 35 inc,- Permit to Julius Jacobson & Earl Cawthon to erect an 8 1 fence along west prop line & alley at 294o National Ave. & erect 11' wall on front prop bet exist bldgs, provided the frnt wall is painted to match the stucco bldg adj on the west. Res. No. 1877 ll-7-46 Lots 29-30- Permit to Mrs. Goldie Farris to conv 2 units into 3, 2nd fir of exist bldg 0' sideyrd, access court 4' for 3rd unit, 2930 National Ave. Res. No. 4o15 7-13-49---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; Lot 39 & Wl.y 5' Lot 4o- Permit to Clyde M. & Loretta Richards, owner & Bert E. & Loraine I. Cole, pur, to use & maint 2nd fl.r of store bldg as apt., 0' side yrd, 296o National Ave. (store) & 2958 National Ave. (apt) Res. No. 4587 4-5-50 Lot 39 and W5' of Lot 4o- Permit to Cl.yde M. Richards and Bert E. Cole to bld and oper a pl.ant with aprox 20 HP in elec equip., at 296o National Ave. Res. No. 4764 6-14-50 Lots l.4 & l.5- Permit to Manuel A. Lopez to const 12'xl.2' bedrm addn to non-conf res with 18" side yd, 2939 Logan Ave. Res. No. 7990 1-15-54 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Bert E. Cole to const addn to non-conf!ilry cJ.eang est. at 2977 Logan Ave., R-4 cond Ease No. 1347 8-9-57