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Development Services

Redwood Village # 8 Card 1

REDWOOD VILLAGE # 8 CARD 1.tif REDWOOD VILLAGE NO. 8 \S Lot 925- Permit to Clifford O. Boren Contr. Co., Inc. to erect 6' fence with O' SB along Perique & College Aves., 6244 Perique Ave. Res No. 64ol 4-16-52 Lot 1014- Permit to Winfred B. & Jacqueline c. Hughes to const 58" redwd fence on 51611 mason retain wall on N side, 6150 Hughes St. Res. No. 6870 10-1:-,2 Lot 939- Permit to Frank Cimmino to add to exist gar, making it 6oo sq. ft., with O' side yd, at 3885 Boren St. Res. No. 8823 3-30-55 Lot 925- Permit to Joseph De Vico to const 20'x20' gar with O' SB where 12' is req., at 6244 Perique, R-l Case No. 1565 12-20-57-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 923, Homer & Virginia Johnson DENIED to maintain roof over exist. porch, obs 1.0' SB (15' req) at 6245 Perique St,, Zone R-1. Case No. 2369 3-1.3-59 Lot 957- App. TABLED- Warren S. & Geraldine S. Garland req perm to remodl & enlrg exist sin fem res which obs all yd req; por of enrgd dwell will obs 1.61 rear yd where 20' is req at 3003 Gayle St. Zone R-1. Case No. 5068 7-L-0-62------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------