Redwood Village # 6 Card 1
REDWOOD VILLAGE # 6 CARD 1.tif REDWCOD VILLAGE #6 \I, CAMl #1 j Lot 785- Permit to John F. & Dorothy M. Catone to lllB.i.ntain exist 41 high fence on top of exist 3 1 high ret wall obs 1 1 plus or minus SB on Glade St., where 12 1 SB is estab resulting in fence 7' high where max 3 1 high fence is perm, at J704 College Avenue, 111-W comer College Ave. & Glade St., R-1-5 Zone, condl. Case No. b598 12-4-64------------------------------------------------------------,__________ Lot 660- Permit DENIED to Reinol.d George & Grace Spaan to teach piano, music theory. & rhythrn=classes six days per week betw the hours of 8 AM to 5 PM, occasionally evenings-;---~ where sin fam res use onl.y is perm at 3682 College Ave betwe GladeSt & Streamview Dr Zone R-1-5. C-10140 10-19-70.APEEALED to BZA- GRANTED, & dee M' Z.A. overruled, condl 1. That the hours of instruction shall be limited betw 8 am & 8 pm, but not to exceed 6 hours per day; 2. That not more than 6 students shall be taught at any one time; 3. That prio to commencement of the operation accoustical treatment of the studio, as approved by the Z.A., shall be provided. C-10140 11-24-70 Lot 647- Permit to Leonard V. Brewer to erect 73' of chain link fence 5' high obs. o setback on College Ave. where a max. 3' high fence is perm. in a 151 est. setback; At 6378 Strea.mview Dr. Southw~st corner College Ave. and Strea.mview Dr. Zone R-1-5 cond'l c-11907 4-5-73