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Development Services

Redlands Gardens Extension Block G Card 1

REDLANDS GARDENS EXTENSION BLOCK G CARD 1.tif ~- Lot 9 Permit to Harold Bowering, 5468 Collier Ave.,,o erect & operate sgle fam res w/SY 7', RY 101 1 R-1 (275 1 W of 55th on Collier) Res. 67073 1-18-3~ Lot 1 Permit to Geo. Kerrigan to constr 2nd res on l.ot w/5' RY, 55th & Red- Lot 19 Lot 19 (por) l.ands Dr, Res. No. 6439 4-30-52 Permit to Mt's. Cl.ara Tyndal.a to conv 2nd fl. of studio & Hobby workshop into apt, making 2 units at 4755 54th St, Res. 8497 9-29-54 Agreement #8o4 to Mt's. Clara '.L'yndall to constr addn to exist gar for use & hobby shop on 1st fl & rumpus rm & bath on 2nd fl. 7-16-54 Lots 9 & W 1/2 Lot 8- Permit DENIED Neille E. Rose, 5468 Collier- Ave for 2 hses on J J/2 Jots Res 65813 4-13-37--------------------------------------------------------- Lot I- Permit to George Kerrigan to conduct part time Jewelery business In exist res 4780 55th St. Res 1512 4-25-46--------------------------------------------------------------