Rancho Mission Of San Dieo Lot 68 Card 1
RANCHO MISSION OF SAN DIEO LOT 68 CARD 1.tif RANCHO MISSION OF SAN DimO LO'l' 68 Por- Permit to S.D. Unified Bcl'lool Dist to constr ana operate elementary scllool (Wienberge~ at Twin Lake Dr ana Clear Lake Ave. Zone R-1. Cond'l. Ext 18 mos to exp 4-22-62 l yr ext to exp 4-22-63 C-3278 4-15-60-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por- Permit to Tavares Dev. Co. to constr 8 1 x 24' sign a4vertisins San C&rlos Country Club Village /J,l,'i.,3 tor 1 yr to exp 6-19-62, IWl.y of Jackson Dr and i'ViD Lake Dr. R-1 Zone. I cond 'L--~~-l'IJ'~,. c-4169. R.R. 6-19-61 I;;-:;;;~;-;;~~;;;;-;:~::-;;:;;;~taif.~-;:-i;;;;;~-;;;;~;;-- property tor 4 little league fielcls w11ere sin tam res only are perm, Sl,y of Murray Park Dr. betv Bonnie View Dr and Belle Glade Ave. Zone R-1-5. Cond'l. C-9194 4-15-70 APPEALED.. Appeal DENIED by BZA and decision of tile Z.A., be and tlereby ls, sustained and aff~. C-9194 7-14-71 APPEALED- CITr COUBCIL GRAHED CUP to City of S.D,, Cowles Mt. Little League and San Carlos Little League. C-9194 10-12-71 Extension ot Time to 12-15-72 and conditions C-9194_ 4-11-72 " ",,.. l <.-1s--7jQ.i.-s--1'l,J-f_1-~stt-~.D_1 f!J..J)J_-;?~ l.;).-1S-s"D(1-r-r 6) 11,, 1,,, 1,;z.-1s-7,;{#--.Jo'13) t-;i-1-o&~ ~ 1~-LS-~/(t~-~.:i-~g),. rr,. I J.- /S-1.sG~-Jl-7~)..,lhJ;/~ w~ ~- /4 /,:2.-/:;-. er,,; (1 / II II, ~- IS- '1& (I- r 7-?I..) II 7' ",,;;,.-/&-'??(J:2-/0-) <,),;,,,,,,..;,.-/-J-7l? c,,.~-d3-77) i