Rancho Mission (Partition Of) Lot 17 Card 4
RANCHO MISSION (PARTITION OF) LOT 17 CARD 4.tif RANCHO MISSION (PARTITION OF) LOT 17 (Portion- Permit GRANTED to ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY, permittee, and GLORIA LEE DEMERS MC COLL, an individual, owner, to construct and operat~ a gasoline self-service station and convenience food facility, located between 54th Street, Euclid Avenue and Westover Place Zone CA. CUP 10-613-0 PC 10-9-80 Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to ALESSIO LEASING, INC., owner and DION INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS, purchaser, to develop property for outdoor storage and display of new unregistered motor vehicles with access across the lot to the west, where direct access to parking Is required from a dedicated street, at the westerly corner of Federal Boulevard and Highway 94, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. Located at 5255 Federal Boulevard. AMENDED 5-10-83 CUP 17914 2-4-83