Rancho Mission Lot 72 Card 1
RANCHO MISSION LOT 72 CARD 1.tif_--~ Qw.d#-j BANCHO MISSION LOT 72 t Por. Lot 72,.-ermit to Sim J. Harrie Co to conet add to.exist off.bl used in conjunction with exist contract, operation, on private rd,~ mile W of Hwy 395 rm Murphy Canyon Rd intersection, Zone Al-10 Case 3646; 9-2-60----------------------------,.----------------- i'or Lrot 72, Permit to Sim J. Harris Co to conet 8 1:it_ 10"' unlighted pole sign, 6 1 above grd on W side of Hwy 396 at Old City Boanduy, Zone Al-10 advertising their office & plant. Zone Al-10. Case 2978 12-11-69-p~-i:;t- 72-& 78:-P;rniit-to-Cowrty-of'-sii:n- Di;go to i-epiace- planting-strip alon! all st frontages from 101 req planting strip to 5 plant strip on pub prop & install 6 1 hi chain link fence(solid fence or wall r eq),approx mile E of junc of Clairemont Mesa Blvd & Hi'IIW" 395, Zone M-lA, condl. ~ CASE #4264 8-18-61 Foi--of'-Lot-72---Per~it to-Bib-l;I-;stit-ute of-L~s-~g-eles-to oonstr~ct & aper-- a television receiver tower approx 1751 high, NW1 ly of the intersection of Clairemont Mesa Blvd & Murphy Canyon Rd. Zone R-1. ~,!21.f._f-.YJ.:.. ~-t-YE._ s:_-_s:_:~-.i--------------__:~:-~~~~-~~:-~~~~----~==~=~=f- Por- Permit to S. D. Gas & Elec Co. to erect 8 1 high chain link fence with three strands o barbed wire on l' arms above, proj inward over private prop where max 61 high fence with.3 strands of barbed wire on l' arms proj inward over private prop is perm, Por Lot 72 & 78, Rancho Mission; Por Lot l, Blk 1, Rosed.ale; & Por Lot 8, The Highlands, W side of Overland St., W end of Farnham St., 400 1 N of Clairemont Mesa Blvd., M-lA Zone, cond.l. Case No. 6311 2-1.4-64--------------------------------------~--