Rancho Mission Lot 70 Card 15
RANCHO MISSION LOT 70 CARD 15.tif RANCHO MISSION I.Or 70 CARD #15 Por.- CITY CQUNCil, GRANTED a Conditional Use Pennit to MISSION GEORGE DEVEIDPEMENT CO., OiilNER, & V. R. DENNIS CONSTRUCI'ION cam> ANY, PERl1IT1'EE, to construct and operate a natural resource facility over approximately 250 acres of land located on the north side of Mission Ceorge Road, between the extension of Tierrasanta Boulevard and Margerum Avenue, lying nirtherly of Road Survey 1634, A-1-10, R-1-40 and Ml-B Zones. CUP 82-0611 6-14-83 (Amendment to CUP 238-PC) Por. Lot 70- ZA APPROOVED CUP Amendment request of EAST SAN DIEGO MASONIC TEMPLE CORP. to Case No. C-8950, dated Nov. 21, 1968, which permitted A~ERICAN HOUSING GUILD OF SAN DIEGO, OWNER; AND EAST SAN DIEGO MASONIC LODGE, PURCHASER, to construct a lodge bldg. and meeting hall with 200 parking spaces, where a single-family dwelling is permitted only, extended on 11/18/69, 11/7/70, 11/22/71 and amended 7/11/72 and 6/18/82; the applicant requests amendment to (1) maintain weekly Sunday church services for a max. of 50 persons; and (2) maintain various accessory uses to the Masonic Lodge, Sunday thru Saturday, for hours varying betw. 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., for a max.of 200 persons, located at 7850 Navajo Rd~ Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-8950 2/21/92