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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 61 - 64 Card 1

RANCHO MISSION LOT 61- 64 CARD 1.tif RANCHO MISSION, tors 61, 62,.63,64 l? CARD #1 Portions of Lots 63 & 64, 108-space trailer park, at 6800 Mission Gorge Rd., Jerry B. Torrance, owner. C.U.P. 2632, 7-22-59 Por of Lots 10-15 of Subd of Lots 61-63- Permit to v. R. Damis, owner & Jarry B. Torrance, lessee, to co'nst & operate a 174-unit t-railer park with incidental recreational facilities located SE of Mission Gorge Rd., Interim A-1!"'1 Zon~(,, Cot,Jjil. ~ Go-; 7 /1':iJ'b illlv ~-.:l8'-~ c.u.P. Case No. 5427 2-1-63 Lots t(;~V-~;~rr;;~-byih;-cro~~ilih;-i-a-;;;,-:;-;.g-~&-it-i-;-h;;eby-~d~- that a concrete pl'0ducts manufacturing Co. Sly side of Mission Gorge Rd. N of Grant- ville in the A-1-1 Zone (American Pipe & Const. Co.) is a use si mi Jar to and not more obnoxious or detrimental to the welfare of the particular conn:mmity than the uses penn in the M-lA Zone under Section 101.04.36. Res. No. 178479 1-9-64 Lots 61, 62 & 63-Permit to MISSION GORGE DEVELOPMENT CO, owner & V.R. DENNIS CONSTRUCTION CO, permitee to construct and operate a nG.tural resource facility over approx. 250 acres of land located on the north side of Mission Gorge Rd., between the ext. of Tlerrasanta Blvd. & Margerum Ave., (also Lots 53 & 70)-Zoned A-1-10, R-1-40 & M-1B, CUP 82-0611 (AMENDMENT TO CUP 238-PC) 2/1- /84