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Rancho Mission Lot 31 Card 1

RANCHO MISSION LOT 31 CARD 1.tif IlANC!iO MI::iSION Lot 31 ~ ~" r:; CKRDif/';i / 1 Por- permit to Harry Ellman, Sec&Tres Trojan Invest. Co.,Iuc for 3rd ext. tos-'io-10-60 (1 for Sk:ylift Motel 1 Mission Valley WE:.11;192 3-16-60-- or_ Clovis 1'1anor, Inc. to const professiJnal bldg on Camino del tlio R-lA TABLED. Case 3471 7-29-60 or--- c"i,;i~ ~o"i-,- lnc- denied th-;-profe-;.- bldg but-;,p;r-;,v;d-bl.i";; fo-;. ~-;, b; ~nt~cto;; & engineers (offices only) but not includ equpment storg, cond' 1. Case 3471. 1,-._Q...n Camino del Rio B,-lA Case.34.U 'l.-29- & 8.-19-60 '" \- J.1-!lll!' u,fJ~t I!.,&~_!ie_ l!.,J''?_V~e_d,r~ JiP:tA_zC?.,neJ}o_ b_!' p_Jecf ~I!. 2_:' ~l!J> i!.&1..: c,2~r.~,.,!'p_a':!11!. ~i:_ke, CC\ Por- Permit to Robvin Inc. to const 3-story off bldg for engineers & real estate brokers 1 S side Camino del Rio Zone B,.IA Case 3519 S-19-60 I JM!OOJ:-orr:a-e- par""kihg &e-provideT"ifiriq J.P:ll zoneT area "be pai'el'.: diili' 2"'asp&ani"c-ciihcri'te- EXT 6a1::ef0P~~y ~fif bumper guards be installed. Case 3519 9-9-60-----------------------------------------------Por. Skylift, Incor. to erect 8 1 x 241 free eta.ming unlighted sign back of SB, S aide Canino del.Rio, 16001 W of Southland Door, Zone B-lA. TABLED Case 3702 12-2-60-p-;. Lot-31-&-45,- Pe~it to- s.n:Bidg l:ontraotor1 ii Assn l;o iller_&_ enolose-p'l.'ti(- /;:ttaoh to exist non-oonf off bldg with eaves proj 6 1 into side yd. for use as off & conference rm, patio addn to obs 3.3 1 to 3.6 1 side yd(l0 1 req) 3517 Camino del Rio, R-lA,oond: sign shown on ~lans be omitted. Cases 4042 & 4043 4-28-61---------------------------------------