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Development Services

Rancho Mission Lot 12 Card 14

RANCHO MISSION LOT 12 CARD 14.tif RANCHO MISSION LOT 12 Por- Z.A. has considered the application of City of San Diego, owner, & Encanto Little League, lessee, to const & maintain one najor and one minor Little League baseball diamond on par together with bleachers, snack bars, dugouts, and parking as shown on pl.ans on file in the Zoning Div. of the Planning Dept., 10n So side of 7000 blk, Ja.nacha Rd., betw Flicker St. & Pbrter St., Zone R-1, where sing fam dwell on lot or parcel of land of record at time of zoning is perm and DENIED the request. Case No. 6069 11-8-63 Por- ABOVE appealed 11-14-6.3: Appeal denied and the decision of the Zoning Administrator upheld. Case N0 6069 ll-J0-63 Por- AGREEMEtJT #259 to Josephine Gi <.mforrnaggio-o erect tool shed r /26/ 44-----------------------------------------------Por- Permit DEl'JlED to Pacific Bay Development Corp to constr and operate a planned residenti, development located on the east side of Imperial Ave betw Lisbon Street and the San Diego City Limits, also Por Lot B Blocks 1,2, 3,4,5,6, Angelus Heights and Lots 1-22_, Halecrest Heignts Unit #1. Zone R-2 Zone and R-1-5, PRD{/:26 8-13-71--------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------- P~nd ~elTra~Por o ngelus Hei~s, por o Halecrest He hts #1-~rmit to Pa fie Ba Dev. Co to cons & operate BRDon th E side of Im rial Ave, tw Viewcrest Dr ad Wood Ave. Z es R-1-5 R-1-5 (L overlay) =====------------------------------------------ PRD--- 8-31---------------------------------------