Rancho De La Nacion Sec. 103 Card 4
RANCHO DE LA NACION SEC. 103 CARD 4.tif-RANCHO DE LA NACION t SECTION 103 CARD #4 Par~~ Permit to Geo E. Burns & Earl V. Yardley to split out 2 parcls & erect sin fam res on ea.ch, N side Alleghany St, E of Rachel Ave. Res 7268 3-18-53 SE E 150' of N 140 1 of S 280', Permit for 1 yr to Henry F. Adams, Jr, owner & Centex Const Co, inc. to const 24x4o 1 field ofc for use in connectn with Bayview Hills Housing Project & 1 sign, 2'x3' on face of bldg, condl Res 7549 6-24-53 Por aw of, Permit to Ethel Titus, owner, & Home Sav & Ln Assoc, lessee, to erect 3'x5' direct. sign advertsg homes for sle in new sub- Royal Hills, for 6 mos, end 4-30-62, N side Alleghany St, opposite Reo Dr, R-1 condl CASE 4392 10-6-61 6_mos._ext._-_6-5-62_-_Exp._10-30-62_________________________________________________________ W 80' of E 160' of W 165' of S 140'- Permit to Arthur T. Paulino to erect and main a 3'x5'x6'-high, double-faced, free-stndng, non-ilium subd directional sign advdrtising "Seabreeze Subdivision" approximately 1-1/2 blocks to the north at 5910 Alleghany Street, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-14229. 4-22-77. S 230 1 of the E of the W~ of the SW1~ of the Quarter Section 103- Areement with ARTHUR AND Se F. YOUNG to construct a master bedroom and full bath addition to an existing, single-family dwelling; said addition has exterior access via a porch and interior access via existing family room at 5536 Alleghany Street, Zone Rl-5000. A-5603 6/23/93