Rancho Bernardo Cabrillo # 3 Card 2
RANCHO BERNARDO CABRILLO # 3 CARD 2.tif RANCHO CABRILtC #) CARD # 2-':t Lot 256- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. L.J. Braun, owners, & Tach Built Homes, Inc., lesc;ee, to erect 5, x 3 1 directional sie:n back of SB advert!si,g homes for sale 1~, new subd (Mi;.rray Ridge Homes); sign to be maintained for a pPriod not to exceed l yr, at 2870 Murray Ridge Rd. betw Fireside Ave. & Alcourt st., Zone R-1, condl. 6-14-63 V----------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 267- E. z. Ile M. I. Hollis to const rumpus room addn with bar sink, 8526 FireaideeAve. Zone R-1. Agreement No. 1156 1-30-62 -------------------------------------------Lot 248- Permit to Don C. & Dorothy M. Smith to const a 27' x 20 1 fam rm addn to sing i'am dwell, addn to obs 13' rear yd where 20 1 rear yd is req at 8630 Al Ct., betw Pinecrest Ave. and Murray Ridge Rd, Cond 11 /:J..- 1- S- C-9011+ 12-18-68-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 361- Z.A. nae considered the request of Jonn R. & Barbara A. Bailey to maintain exist pa; tio obs 2 '6" s ideyard and eave overhang obs 2 'l" a ideyard, wnere 4' ideyard is req and eave overllang may be no closer t11an 2'6" from side property line; at 8730 Polland Ave, RW cor of its intereect witll Greyling Dr, Zone R-1-5 nae DEBIED tile appl as presented but APPROViD a 3' s ideyard w i tll eave overllang to encroacn no 1110re tban 6". C-10572 7-1-n Lot 360- Permit to Raymond & Mable Tiber to maint 5' hi solid wood fence 60' long on top of 3 1 blkwall (overall ht 8 1) obs 0' setback in rear yd where max 6 1 hi fence is perm at 2908 Greyl ing Dr betw Murray Ridge Rd & Cabrillo Mesa Dr Zone R-1-5 C-11331 N,H. 6-21-72