Pueblo Lot 256 31
PUEBLO LOT 256 31.tif PUEBLO LOT 256 ~\ Card Por- ZA has APPROVED for OWNER: MICHAEL F. & SANDRA JO MOORE, H & WAS JOINT TENANTS,PUR- CHASER- to use the C-zoned port.ion of a lot as an impound storage yard, where such use is permitted by Conditional Use Permit only- Pueblo Lands, Misc. Map 36,located on the southwesterly side of Morena Blvd,between Knoxville St. and Lehigh St.,Zones C & Rl-400. C-19273 9/19/86 BZA over turns the ZA's decision and DENIES, the request. C-19273 11/19/86 City Council acted not to hear the appeal. By this action, the BZA was upheld and the CUP stands DENIED. C-19273 3/5/87 PUEBLO Lands of San Diego- ZA considered the variance sought by Thomas and Roberta Minichiello and approved Item No. 1 yo demolish an existing 2,500 sq. ft. commercial bldg. and to construct a 2,960 sq. ft. warehouse and office bldg. to obs. a 1' side yard where 5' is required (the existing commercial bldg. observes a 1' side yard) located at 1420 Morena Blvd., M-lA Zone, West Clairemont Height Limitation Overlay Zone. Conditions. C-20653 10/12/90-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------NE 1/2 por. of LOT 256 Pueblo Lands of San Diego- Planning Director GRANTED CUP request of ATLANTIC RICHFIELD COMPANY to convert an existing Arco Gasoline Service Station to an AM-PM Mini-Market located at the corner of West Morena Blvd. and Morena Blvd., C Zone. CUP 86-0557 11/7/86