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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 255 Partition Of Lot 5

PUEBLO LOT 255 PARTITION OF LOT 5.tif PVEBLO LOT 255 (Partition of Lot 5) ~ S NEly 202' & NE 117' of Blk 11, Asner's Clover Leaf Terrace, permit to Tneodore M. Coryell to split into two bldg sites, each to be 117' kj247,6' to permit a sin fam dwell on eacn parcel, Goldfield and Littlefield Sts. Res 891 3-29-45,JPor Lot 4 (N50' of S 425' of W 112,5' of E 376.57)- Permit to Robert Coates to rediv 2 R-1 lots into 2 parcels 50' x 56.6 1, and erect sin fam res on eacn, SE cor Liete & Asner Sts,Cond 'l Res 6772 9-3- 52 NWly 185.7 of 5- Permit to Oscar H, Arvidson to divide into tnree parcels, eacn 61.9 wide and constr sin fam res on eacn, on So, side of Littlefield St., betw Goldfield & Lieta Ste. Cond'l, Res 8084 3-17-54 SEly 61.9 of 5- Permit to Moto & Florence Asakawa to const.r sin fam res on S sidy of Littlefield St. betw Goldfield & Lieta Sts. Cond. Res 8o83 3-17-54 NWly 185.7 of 5- 6 mo. FINAL ext to Oscar Arvidson to div into 3 par & constr sin fam res on eacn, S side L1ttlefield St. betw Goldfield & Lieta Sts. Cond'l. Res 8456 9-1-54 Dor- Permit to Monique Deman, OWner and Frank Sarn and Harry L. Smitn to constr & operate a PRD located on the So side of Asher St., betw Morena Blvd and L ieta St. R-1-5 & CS. PRD 61 5-9-73