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Pueblo Lot 211 Card 2

PUEBLO LOT 211 CARD 2.tif PUEBLO LOT 211 60 Card 2 II Por- (Also known as Por Lot D, Loma Alta #2)- Permit to A.J. Hall eORP TO ERECT two 6 1 x 6 1 double-faced free-standing directional signs adveritising Point Loma Tennis Club which is in another subd. overall ht 11' where sing are permitted designating only the permitted principal luse of permises & a max ht of 8 1 is perm, on the south side of West Polng Lima Blvd., approx 200' west of Adrian St., Zone R-4 condl. ext of 1 yr. to exp 7-1-71 (6-23-70) C-9381 N.H. 7-7-69 {1-1-71-?5_M.) Por- Permit to Giordano Constr. Co.m Inc. to constr 74 unit apt cOlllex with 9 1 611 hi trellis entrance obs 9' front yd on Building l & trellis on Building 2 obs 3' front yd where 15' is req at 4125 W. Point Loma Blvd. betw Adrian St. & SW of Loma Riviers Dr, Zone R-4 condl. C-10175 11-18-70