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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 193 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 193 CARD 1.tif PUEBLO LC1J? 193 ConditioDal permit for housing unit on por of P.L. duration- Outhw&ite & Tracey 3~ ~ 193, Thesophical property for the Res#ll3 5-21-42----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Conditia.nal permit for housing unit on por. of P.L. 193, Theesophical property for the druation. George W. Wood. Res#l72 9-3-42----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------George w. Wood, granted 6 months extension of time on previous Res. No. 113,172,1925 and 2228, to continue operation of "Woodlands" (Old Theosophical Grounds) on por. of P.L. 193, 182, 144,145 and 146. 810 Catalina Blvd. Res#2294 6-5-47----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estate of Geo. W. Wood, permit to continue unitl. 12/31/48 the use of the Theosophical Grounds, located on P.L. 144,145,146,182, & 193, at 810 catalina Blvd. for temporary housing pruposes. Res#3237 6-16-l.i8----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Estate of Geo. w. Wood, permit tp continue unitl l2-3l-49 the use of the Theosophical Grounds, located on P.L. 144,145,146,182 & 193 at 810 Catalina Blvd., for temporary housing purposes only. Res#3736 3-9-49----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------