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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 188 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 188 CARD 1.tif ~~~ ~ ~ Por. Lying Nly of BEl.y li of sd wt 9 & SEl.y of Sly ll of wcust St. & all of Lot 9, Ir. 4, New Roseville, Cond'l permit to I. Teacher to constr. apt. bldgs. at Canon & Locust Sts with a 5' setback on Canon St. & a 5' setback on Locust if agreeable to owner adj. Resfl.546 5-23-46------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por lying Nl.y of Sly line of wt 9, Blk.. 4, New Roseville, and Sly. of Sly line of Locust Street and all of said Lot 9, Permit granted to I.Teacher tlo erect 3 apt bldgs. with 3' setback on Locust and 5' se:&;back on Canon Street. Res#24l4 7-30-47------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. of P.L. J.88 lying Nly of Sly line of Lot 9, Blk.. 4, New Roseville, and Sly of Sly line of Locust Street, md all of said l.ot 9, permit to Isador Teacher to conduct a watch repairing and Jewelry store in etist office space in apt. bldg. at the SE cor of Locust and Canon Sts, Res.No. 2739. Res#2739 l.2-l.'1-47------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Por. of P.L. J.88- See Above des.- Isador Teacher DENIED permit to operate confectinary store and appl.icance store in exist. office space in apts. bl.dgs. at SE cor of Locust and Canon Streets. 2-25-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Por. of P.L. ~- See above dex. Appeal filed by Isador Teacher on Res. No. 2890 above, DENIED and Z.A. decision sustained 3-23-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------