Pueblo Lot 1801 Card 3
PUEBLO LOT 1801 CARD 3.tif PUEBLO LOT 1801,, CARD #3 Northerly 1/2 of the westerly 1/2 of Lot 98- Tne Planning Direcotr has GRANTED a Coastal Development Permit to Michael Con~ay, owner/permittee, to construct a Coastal Development consisting.of a 5,145 sq.ft,, twofstory, four-unit multi-family structure, located at 4025 Gresham, Map No, 1864, in the R-1500 zone. CDP-89_0470 Aug, 10, 1989 Lot 98- Coastal Development Permit is GRANTED by the Planning Director of the City of S,D, to MICHAEL CONWAY, Individual Owner/Permittee, to construct a CD located at 4025 Gresham, described as the northerly of the westerly of lot 98, Map 1864, Rl-1500 zone, CDP No, 89-0470, 8/10/89.