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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1782 (Partition Of) Card #1

PUEBLO LOT 1782 (PARTITION OF) CARD #1.tif \ \ PUEBLO LOT 1782 (Partition of) Card #1 I Por Lot 1- Permit to Paul T. 8c Elva G. Walker to divide into 4 bldg sites, 3 parcels fronting on ded. st. & 4th parcel serv by 50' easement from Van Nuys, prov. owner grant easement for widening of La Jolla Mesa Dr. Res. 5288 1-24-51 Por- Permit to Paul T. & Elva G. Walker to erect sin fam res on parcel, La Jolla Mesa Dr. bet extension of Colima 8c Midway Sta. Res.6863 10-1-52 Por Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Clinton D. 8c Lucille v. McKinnon, own 8c Plymouth Fdn Corp (Pac: Bch Comm Church) purcb to const church plant, per master plan submit E side La Jolla Mesa Dr., N of Skylark Dr. ext R-lC zone condl CUP C-.4286 8-11-61 6 mos ext to exp 8-21-62 (2-14-62) Por Lot 5- Permit DENIED to Robert W. Kerns, Owner and Marine Builders Co., Inc. to constr and operate a planned residential development north of Forward St and E of Bellevue Ave (Also Lot 9 of La Jolla Butterfield Estates. Zone R-1-5. PRD #41 12-8-71 Por Lots 2 & 3- Permit DENIED to R. w. Kerns, Owner and Harold J. O'Brien to constr and operate a planned res development located on tne east side of La Jolla Mesa Dr and North of Lamplignt Dr. Zone R-1-5. ~ PRD #39 11-23-71--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------