Pueblo Lot 177 Card 1
PUEBLO LOT 177 CARD 1.tif-PUIBLO LO'! 175 \1 Por- Penait to Pn111p and Rocllelle Ra:tfee to constr family room addn to exist sin:tam dvell witll bar sink at 725 Rosecrans. Zone R-1-5, AGRD #1750 IJ-10-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Portion of the Southeast 1/4- Pennit was considered by ZA to JAMES AND HOLLY MC MILLAN to construct a three-story, single-family dwelling with (1) front court yard with wall 6 1 high where 3 1 high is permitted; (2) building observing a 33' front yard at closest point where 35 1 is required; (3) height of dwelling 42!-611 where maximum height of 30 1 is permitted; and (4) resulting in a Floor Area Ratio of,63 where.60 is permitted, at 717 Rosecrans Street, Zone R-1-5, (CSBIIINUED FROM 10/22/82 and 11/5/82. REQUEST FOR WITHDRAWAL), Por- ZA APPROVED two-car garage on closest point 28' R 1-5000, cond. C-17794 WITHDRAWN amended request of GEORGE FLEMING TO (I) enlarge exist. guest house below' lot wtth exist. SFD; & (2) enlarge garage & add stairway observing at front yd where 20' street widening and 15' standard setback is reqd, Zone C-18574 9/14/11#