Pueblo Lot 173 Card 3
PUEBLO LOT 173 CARD 3.tif PUEBLO LOT 173 4 Card #3 W 1/2 of N 1/2 of S 1/2 of P.L. Permit to Wm. A. & Inez Carey to constr 4 1/2 1 fence on top exist 3011 free-stand wall on top of 10 1 retain wall, 745 Bangor St. Zone R-IC. Case No. 2274 2-5-59 SW 91 1 of W 140' of W J/2 of S 1/2 of N 1/2 of P.L. 173, exc st. open at 751 Bangor St. permit to Frank Naso DEN I ED to const res with attach gar obs 27 1 211 SB on Bangor St. (35 1 req) Zone R-IC. Ca,se No. 2905 10-30-59 if---------------------------------------------------------'--------------------------------- E 1/2 of S 1/2 of N 1/2 of P.L. permit to Nate Rosenberg to const sin fam res on parcel with no front on dedicated St. but served by 50 1 easement & to construct freestanding wall, obs side yd on E por of Lot, wall approx 10 1 above ground level, JOO' in length, area adj to be filled in making it a retain wall, 742 Armada Terr Zone R-JC. Case 2995 & 2996 12-18-59---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E 1/2 of S 1/2 of N 1/2 of P.L.- Permit to Nate Rosenberg to constr sing fam res with 8 1 side yd on S. side & 5' from eaves to prop line (JO' side yd & 7 1/2' from eave to prop line req) 742 Armada Terr Zone R-IC. Case 3133 2-9-60 Por- Permit to Paul D & Hgt Bradshaw to const detaeh 16' x 16 1 garden shelter on pare with exist sing fam res wh obs 61 rear yd (25 1 req) 701 San Ferando St. R-IC zone.-.... Case No. 4027 N.H. 4-12-61 Por Lot 173 & 174 & Por Lot 5, Cresta Real- C-13418 cancelled,::.)~~ ~/,,1./77,, 5-4-77- Approved reques;t of lngrld Croce to enlarge bedr & bath of exs St'd to obs 16' rear 1 yar(! at_75q Armada Tr,. (//;~ Aec.,-,,,r)..- I---____________,___________ ~-----~_f-1------------------------------------------------------