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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 145 Card 1

PUEBLO LOT 145 CARD 1.tif i!L-BL-O LOT '(45 ~. ~j:rd #1 Conditional permit for housing unit on f> Ortion of P.L~ Theosophical property for durati George W. Wdod Res. 172 9/3/42 Conditionai permit for housing unit on poetion of P.L. 145 Theosophical property for the duration Outhwaite & Tracey Res. 113 5/21/42 George W. Wood granted 6 months extension of time on previous Res, No. 112 172 1925 and 2228 to contine operation of "Woodlands" (old Theosophical Grounds) on Portions of PL 145 144, 146 182 and 193, 810 Catalina Blvd. Res. No. 2294 6/5/47 Estate of Geo. W. Wood permit to tontinee until 12/31/48 the use of the Theosophical Grounds located on P.L. 144, 145) 146,182 & 193 at 810 Catalina Blvd for 4t~!A'rary housing purposes~ Res. No.4~~ 6/16/48 Estate of Geo. W. Wood permit to contin~e until 12-31-49 the use of the Theosophical Grounds located on PL 144 145 146 182l & 193 at BIO Cata! ina Blvd for temporary housing purposes only Res. No. 3736 3-9-49 Por. of lots 65, 103, 144, 145, 146 (as shown on map on file in Planning Dept)- Cond'l permi to Rose Vollmer> Mrs. Geo W. Wood and Eat of Geo W. Wood owners and Balboa University pur. to use prop to erect nee bldgs for educational and housing purposes and to make nee. repairs and alteration, to exist bldgs in any amt for educational and housing. Res. 4810 7-5-50 Port. of- Permit to Charles{', Crouch to cons sing fam res h:bing no st. frontage but SClvljl by private easement from Ladera St.- Cond'l Res. 5194 12-13-50