Pueblo Lot 1373
PUEBLO LOT 1373.tif,------- PUEBLO LOT 1 773 i., Per- Permit to Marion c. Speer to constr a sin fem ree on said parcel~ Sly side of Inspiration Dr. Res. #3431 9-22-48 Por- Permit to Hazel B, Forward to add 2' in height to exist 3' high wall whicn observes a 6 1 to 20' SB, wnere fence 3' in height is permitted at 1330 Inspiration Dr. Zone R-lC C-1829 5-9-58 Por- Permit to Giles L. & Jessie V, Pellerin to constr sin fem res and gar obs all yd requirements on parcel split prior to 12-5-54, N side Inspiration Dr, betw Inspiration Way and Muirlands Dr. Zone R-lC, C-3681 11-18-60 Per- For CUP C-8725 see LA JOLLA HERMOSA UNIT "A". BLOCK B, Per- Permit DENIED to Norman N. Mamey, George D. Spier and John Aboobamad, Owners and Richard K, Livett to constr and operate a PRD located on the north side of La Canada & Ely of_W~verly Ave and Folsum Dr. Zone R-1-10, PBD#32 8-41'1 Por- Permit to Tawfiq and Riebel Khoury to add bar sink in cabana of single family dwell; at 1320 Inspiration Dr. Zone R-1-10. AGREE #1803 10-19-72--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------