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Pueblo Lot 1296 Card 2

PUEBLO LOT 1296 CARD 2.tif PU.&JLO LOT 1296 Card #' 2 I/ For- AGREEI1.:ENT d570 to Jess A. Mct-:illen to const and ope_ate a commercial horse-training stable, maximum of 20 hcrses, on a parcel of land approximate]jI 314 1 x 274 1 (ResJ548)1/l2/49------------------------------------------------ Por-- AGREEMENT tt564 to Jess A, McKillen and G.C. Ewing to con-,t and operate a commercial horse training sti::.ble, of 20 horses,:md have applied for Variance under App. ~!.-0621.?._!1-J-4~---------------------Bes. 22li-________ 12~!l~---- Por- AGREEMENT,557 to Theodore R. Folsom ana Edith A. Folsom to const sin fam res on the above described parceib of land, which parcel has no street frontage, and have applied for ~one Variance under Applic. No. 6J76 Res 3427 10-13-48--r--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Por & Lot 1297 & 1280- Permit to La Jolla Shores Heights, own to const & operate an 82 sin fam res unit planned unit deve, on the west side of La Jolla Scenic Dr., east of Torrey Pines Rd., on the extension of Nottingham Pl, Zones R-1-5 & R-1-10. ~--,.j,,-,S.~- 7 0 ~J(~_;!-.:Pt/- 70---------CUP_ 228-PC____ 2-25-70_____ ,_..e.#-~;t;. //- I.J-7 ~ (It- tK-71). ~ j;; /JC,-olY~ I- 3 1-73.,_; Lot 1296 Portion- Appl!cation to maintain 960 1 of chain I Ink fencing 12. 1 high enclosing tennis C:,uFt obs a,2 1 front yard on Via Posada whei:e a max 3 1 high fence is perm I tted in req 1 d 2.0' front yard Tabled per VB 1-6-77, ~- /_;i~i;,,g--~--------------------~------~------------------------------------------.....-,- - "',-..,, - - ---- --.----....-....---....--.--- --.,...... - --.. -.... ----........-...... "-..