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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1290 Card #4

PUEBLO LOT 1290 CARD #4.tif PUEBLO LOT.1290,., CARD#~. Por- Permit to August E. & Rutll R. Bandley to constr fam room-kitcllen and master bedroom- batll additions to exist sin fam res witll exist det cabana and gar; cabana obs 7' sideyard & gar 5' s ideyard; ki tcllen-fam room addn to obs 7' sideyard wllere 10' is req at 80o4 La Jolla Scenic Dr., N of Moonridge Dr. Zone R-lA. C-3564 9-16-60 Por- Permit to Robert L. & Susan M. Wintringer, Jr to constr bedroom, batll, toolroom and sbop addn to exist sin fam res on parcel split in 2-57, parcel having no frontage on dedicated street, but served by recorded 20' easement to street at 7861 La Jolla Scenic Dr. across from Moonridge Dr. Zone R-lA. c-3819 2-3-61 Por- Permit to R. T. Hartt to const recreation room wittl bath and shower AG:REE #1055 9-4-59 Por- Permit to William D, and Anne Evans to constr sin fam res on par split after date of orig zoning but prior to 12-5-54; par bas no front on dedicated st, but is served by private 50' easement on por of P.L. 1290 as per legal in Zoniag, ~oo S of La Jolla Vista Dr. Zone R-1-40. c-8780 7-25-68 Por- Permit to Collins Dev. Co, to constr & operate a 7 lot planned unit development, on ttle west side of La Jolla Scenic Dr. betw Moonridge Dr and Pl. Zone R-1-40. {proposed R-1-20) 223-PC 9-4-69 Por- WITHDRAWN- Barbara & Philip Bench requested perm to erect approx 160 1 of 12' high ctlain link fence to enclose tennis court for sin fam dwell; fence to obs 10' rear yd wbere max 6' bigb is perm in req 30' rear yard at 7856 La Jolla Vista Dr. betw Revelie2dr and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-1-40. c-12056 Filed 8-31-73