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Development Services

Pueblo Lot 1264 Card #4

PUEBLO LOT 1264 CARD #4.tif PUEBLO LOT 1264 CARD #4 ~' Portion- Permit was considered by ZA to DOUGLAS F. MANCHESTER to construct guest quarters on a lot with a single-family dwelling and the dwelling to result in a building height of 34 1 where 30 1 Is the maximum permitted, at the northwest corner of Camlnlto Bassano West and Via Casa Alta, Zone R-1-20/R-1-40 (HR). CUP 17693 7-30-82 DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED construction of a guest house in the front of the property, adjacent to the pool, and art gallery and studio with bath, the structure to ' result in a building height of 34' where 30 1 is the maximum permitted. Conditions. AMENDMENT APPROVED WI TH CONDITIONS. 2-22-83 Portion- (Parcel I of Parcel Map #14370)- AGREEMENT to DOUGLAS F. MANCHESTER to construct a three-story, single-family dwelling and Install a bar sink in the entertainment room on the lower level and install a bar.sink in the master bedroom on the upper level, and Install a bar sink in the Maid's quarters main level, at 7243 Encella Drive, Zone R-1-20. AGREEMENT #2907 2-28-83 Portion- Permit APPROVED by ZA to DOUGLAS F. MANCHESTER to install lights for tennis court on lot.with proposed single-family dwelling, located at 7243 Encelia Drive, Zone R-1-20/R-l-40 (HR). Conditions. CUP 17999 4-22-83 Portion- PLANNING COMMISSION GRANTED Coastal Development Permit to Murli and Rani Hathiraman, owner/permittee, to construct a 671-square-foot guest cottage, pool, spa, fountains and fencing, located at 7164 Via Capri, LHS-SF zone. CDP# 88-1270 3-30-89