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Development Services

Nutt's Addition Block 4 Card 1

NUTT'S ADDITION BLOCK 4 CARD 1.tif NUTT' S ADDITION BLOCK 4 CARD #1 Lot 13- Permit to H.R. Ascher, own & Joseph D. Parcher, lessee to conduct Welding Shop for small items, with max of 15 h.p. electrically operated equip 3830 6th Ave. Res. 2021 1-30-47 Lot 12- Permit to John M. Sachs to alter an exist 4 unit apt bldg to 6 units, making total of 7 units on prop, to be served by 8' access court, 3818 6th Ave. Res. 3259 6-30-48 Lot 6- Permit was considered by A2A to RUTH A. HARTMAN, owner; LANDMARK THEATRE CORPORATIIIN, lessee, to (l) maintain existing 13 1-611 X 21-411, 32.5 sq. ft. projecting sign with visible bracing and cables where projecting signs are required to be free of visible bracing, angle iron, guy wires and cables; and (2) maintain existing 11'-3" X 5'-211, 58 sq. ft, wall sign on rear wall of building where a 44.8 sq. ft, wall sign is the maximum permitted, located at 3825, 3827 and 3829 5th Avenue, Zone C, DECISION: DENIED #1, but APPROVED #2, subject to conditions, C-17979 4-8-83 Lots l through 6 inclusive- Pennit DENIED by ZA to ELVIRITA LEWIS FOUNDATION AND VIOLET AND GEORGE WHITEHEAD, owners; ARDEN-MAYFAIR, I NC., lessee, to maintain 60' high, 230 sq. ft. revolving sign on a lot where maximum 30' high, 100 sq. ft, sign is pennitted and sign must be on same lot as building, located at 535 Robinson Avenue, Zone C. C-17978 4-15-83