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Development Services

North Highland Park Block 1 Card 2

NORTH HIGHLAND PARK BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif NORTH HIGHLAND PARK BLOCK 1 CARD/12.. Lots 1 to 8 Inc.- Cond.11 permit to Carlos S. Pickering (Mrs. Conkling's Bakery) to build a 50'x130' addn to an exist non-conforming bakery at 3277 El CaJon Blvd. & to blUli' a 50'xl30 1 parking lot as accesse.ry thereto. Res#1094 9-13-45 Lots 7 8- Permit to Mrs. Conkling 1 s:eakery (carlos 8. Pickering) to construct a fence and retaining wall around a parking 1ot to a height of 9', 3277 El CaJon Blvd. Res/12563 10-8-47 Lots 1-8- Cond 11 permit to Mrs. Conkling's Bakery (Carlos S. Pickering) to~construct a 50 1x:130 addn to exist, non-conforming bakery to be uses as a shipping ram, 3277 El CaJon Blvd. Res#2930 3-10-48 Lots 43-44- Cond'l permit to Mrs. Conkling's Bakery (Carlos S. Pickering) to build & operate private parking lot, 3280 BraJdson Pl, Res#3690 2-9-49 Lots 39-45, & por. 46- Permit to Conlking's Bakery to use as pi.rking lot.for employ,ees and trucks of 'lakery and to build an incinerator and to laor part of trucks, 3277 El CaJon Blvd., Res#6714 8-20-52 Lots l-10- Permit to Conkling's Bakery- to install hydraulic hoist to main bldg. of mm-cont bakery:tm and build gar B.loading at'ea & incinerator,3277 El CaJon Blvd. Bes#6715. 8-20.52