North Florence Heights Block 8
NORTH FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 8.tif ~~~~?~:--: ~~~~T':";; ;-";,;, ~-~---' NORTH ~LORENCE- HEIGHTS 4(W50' of Lots 7-9- Pennit to Dr. Vera George to const "L" shaped add approx 18' x 27' to res 6 1 SB on Palmetto Way, 1530 Ft. Stockton Dr. Res. 4176 9-27-49 w of N, Lot 10, W of II & Wof s of 12- Permit DENIED to Frances G. Barr to re- place exist gar w/new gar & apt above, to have 3' rear yd (10' req) at 1527 W. Lewis St., Zones C & R-4. C-307 3-2-56,,