North Florence Heights Block 7 Card 1
NORTH FLORENCE HEIGHTS BLOCK 7 CARD 1.tif NORTH FLORENCE HEIGHTS Lot 6- Condi permit to Robert L. service station bldg to real estate Stockton Dr & Palmetto Way. BLOCK 7 Card #I & Josephine E. Stevenson to remodel nonconform office & general insurance office; NW corner Ft. Res. 7218 3-4-53 Lot 6- Permit to Robert E. Mayberry to continue operation of real estate office on NW corner Ft. Stockton Dr & Palmetto Way; Condl. Res. 9015 7-6-55 Lot 6- 2 yr ext to Robert E. Mayberry, ABOVE. Case No. 1509 10-25-57 Lot 6- Permit to Robert E. Mayberry to constr 11 studio apts & I real estate office w/max 3 employees; real estate sign & Notary Public sign in window; bldg to obs 10' SB from Palmetto Way (average of blk 22' req); 1602 Ft. Stockton Dr; Zone R-4; Condi. Case Nos. 3093 & 3094 2-12-60 & 3-11-60 Lot 6- Ext ABOVE to exp 3-29-61 Case Nos. 3093 & 3094 3-29-60 Lot 6- Permit to Robt. E. Mayberry to maintain exist real estate & insurance office, max 6 employees or assoc, two 2' x 12' signs painted on face of bldg & one 6 1 x 25' bulletin bd sign on So side of structure; 1602 Ft. Stockton Dr; Zone R-4; tondl. Case No. 4086 5-19-61