Normal Heights Block 63
NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 63.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 63 Lots 19- 20- Office, shop & storage bldg; Zone R-4; Hawley & Madison- DENIED First National Tr. & Svgs. Res. 65082 10-27-36------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6- Permit to Safeway Stores, Purchaser, & Valma Rose Papagni, Owner, to use lot in conj w/exist grocery; E side 34th St betw Adams & Madison; Condl. Res. 7765 10-14-53 Lot 31- Permit to Maurice W. & Dorothy Stock to add to & convert exist 14 1 x 24 1 garage to living unit- total 4 units on lot; 4674 Hawley Blvd; Zone R-4; 9' access for 2 exist units Case No. 2135 11-18-58 W 44 1 Lot 4, all Lot 5- Permit to T. C. & F. H. Allan, Owners, & Rowe Automatic Vendors, Lessee, to use exist store bldg for storage of cigarettes for vening machines, & repair vending machine & coin operated washing maching & dryers; & storage of such machines;- 3400 Blk on Adams, C Zone; Condi. Case 3748 12-30-60 Ext. 9-24-63 1 yr est to exp 1-2-70 (6-5-69) (1-2-70- No Ext.)