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Normal Heights Block 5

NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 5.tif NORMAL HEIGHTS BLOCK 5-Lot 18- Nly 75'- Pennit to Ray F. & Jonnie C. Greggs to convert exist gar into den w/7' rear yd; 5082 E Mt. View Dr. Res. No. 34o3 9-8-48-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 18- Nly 75'- Ray F. & Jonnie C. Greggs DENIED permit to constr gar w/1 1 6" setback; 5082 E Mt. View Dr. Res. No, 34o4 9-8-48------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------Lot 16- AGREEME 1445- Louis & Antonette Capper to convert 3 duplexes to single fam dwells & move along w single fam dwell to subj lot & maintain all 4 at 5052, 54, 56, 58 E. Mt. View Dr; Zone R-2. 8-12-66 Lot 12- Permit to Michael Stringer and William David Wans to erect approx 74 or o'-------- nign wood fence obs at closeat point al' front yard wnere maximum 3' nign fence is perm in req 15' front yard; at 5020 E. Mountain View Dr, NE cor at intersect witn 35tn St. Zone R-2. C-103n N.H. 3-9-71 Lot 10, Variance was approved by HO, ALLAN RICKMEIER AND SHEILA STERLING, OWNERS sought to construct a one-story, 276 sq. ft. addition that includes an expansion of an existing bedroom, add a bathroom, remodel a kitchen and bathroom, and add a deck and front entryway on a lot where two detached, single-family residences exist in a single-family zone at 5021 and 5023 35th Street, Rl-5000 Zone 99-0160 4-28-99