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Nettleship Tye# 1 Block 5 Card 1

NETTLESHIP TYE# 1 BLOCK 5 CARD 1.tif " "~ ~ ' > ' ' ' ' ' "- -- DT'l'LESHIP ffl TRACT #1 BLOCK 5 (0 Lot 1- Permit to David H. & Phyllis Thompson to erect res, 5' SB & 43~ cover, Crystal Dr. & Ocean Blvd. Res, 4536 3-22-50--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 10- Permit to Harold M. & Barbara L, Dresbach to const duplex with 10' rear yd on Ocean Blvd adjoining 4853 Ocean Blvd, Res. 6069 12-12-51 Lot 10- Harold M. & Barbara L. Dresbach to amend Res. ABOVE to permit 9' rear yd on por of bldg, Ocean Blvd. adjoining 4853 Ocean Blvd.. Res. 6702 8-6-52 Lot 7- Permit to Joy L. Ridout to constr 2-story duplex over an undergr pkg gar (l) on lot cont approx 4980 sq ft and (2) balcony to obs 9' rear yd, at4885 Ocean Blvd.,Zone R-2. Condit. C-15768 3/7/79 APPEALED BZA- DENIED, A2A UPHELD 6-25-79 APPEALED BY PALISADES NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION. Lot 6- Permit APPROVED by A2A to WILLIAM DOLL to maintain 12 1-3" of sol id wood fence ranging in height from 3 1-2 11 to 5'-3", observing a 2 1-9" front yard, and approximately 75' of 6 1-211 high sol id wood fence observing 0 1 interior side yard where a maximum 3 1 high and 6 1 high fence is permitted in a 15 1 front yard and 4 1 interior side yard, at 4901 Ocean Boulevard, Zone R-2. C-17600 NH 4-12-82