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Development Services

National Vista #1

NATIONAL VISTA #1.tif NATIONAL VISTA #1 Lot 144- Permit to C. L. Kathel, Owner, & Ned Holmes, Lessee, to erect neon & painted letter sign on ea side of exist pylon above store bldg & l directional sign 2' x 4', lo- cated as sho-wn on plans; 54o2 Division St. Res. No. 7922 12-9-53 Lot 143 (Por.)- Permit DENIED C. L. Kathol to opera retail nursery & erect 16 1 x 24' garden shop, w/no storage of materials; 5402 Division St; Zone R-1. Case No. 889 12-3-56 Por Lot 143- Appeal of C. L. Ka.thol to denial ABOVE of permit to operate retail nursery & garden shop; 54o2 Division St; Zone R-1; DENIED; ZA decision upheld. Case No. 889 1-16-57 Lot 144- C. L. Kathol- Television Sales & Service Store proposed to be located in RC Zone, located on E side of Harbison Ave, intersection of Division St & Harbison Ave. CC Res. No. 194717 9-10-68 Por Lot 144- Mr. Luigi Russo~ C-14875, Refund, variance not necessary. 12-12-77.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------