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Development Services

Morse's (E.W) Block 87 Card 1

MORSE'S (E.W) BLOCK 87 CARD 1.tif MORSE'S (E.W.) SUBIDVISION BLOCK 87 CARD/fl,, Lots l-4- Permit to Frances Nauman- suspended for service station (Ord.#12795) at 30th & C Streets in the R-4 Zone. Res#6l536 4-9-34------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 1,2,3,4 (North 70 feet) Conditional. permit to Frances Nauman to convert a service station at 2985 "C" St. to a fruit & vegetable market for the duration. Res#248 3-25-43------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots l-4 Inc. (North 70') Cond'l permit to Frances Nauman, owner & Henry A. Boney, lessee to continue operation of exist fruit & vegetable market, install a small cold storage box in an exist:bldg. & to put up an awniq, at 2985 "C" St. Res#l629 7-18-46 Lots l-4 (North 70 ft) Amendment to Res#l629- Cond' l permit to Frances Nauman, owner, and Henry A. Boney, lessee, to continue operation of exist, f' and vetetable market,~ maintain a small cold storage box in exist bldg. and replace the awning vllih permanent type structure at 2985 C Street. 5-8-47-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,,,.-, /